
This chapter provides examples of common operations you may find useful when traversing and modifying XML trees.

All examples presented here should compile fine with following imports, if some additional import is needed it will be covered in example code:

import pl.msitko.xml.parsing.XmlParser
import pl.msitko.xml.printing.XmlPrinter
import pl.msitko.xml.dsl._

Table of contents

How to perform a few transformations on the same XML document

In most of examples in that documentation only one transformation to XML document was done. But since transformations are plain function XmlDocument => XmlDocument you can compose them with andThen combinator. Example:

val input =
     |  <c1>
     |    <f someKey="oldValue">item1</f>
     |    <f>item2</f>
     |  </c1>
val parsed = XmlParser.parse(input).right.get

val modifyAttr = (root \ "c1" \ "f").attr("someKey").set("newValue")
val modifyText = (root \ "c1" \ "f").hasTextOnly.modify(_.toUpperCase)

modifyAttr is setting attribute value while modifyText switch text of f element to uppercase. We can compose those two transformation with andThen and apply composed transformation to XML document:

val modify = modifyAttr andThen modifyText

val modifiedDoc = modify(parsed)

The result:

// res3: String =
// <a>
//   <c1>
//     <f someKey="newValue">ITEM1</f>
//     <f>ITEM2</f>
//   </c1>
// </a>

How to access n-th item of current focus

In the following XML you’re interested only in the second <f> element (i.e. one containing item2):

val input =
     |  <c1>
     |    <f>item1</f>
     |    <f>item2</f>
     |  </c1>
val parsed = XmlParser.parse(input).right.get

You can access it using .index(n: Int) combinator. Here’s the code:

// traversal is focused on both <f> elements
val traversal = (root \ "c1" \ "f")

// and now we limit our focus just to the second one
val optional = traversal.index(1)
val res = optional.hasTextOnly.modify(_.toUpperCase)(parsed)
// res8: String =
// <a>
//   <c1>
//     <f>item1</f>
//     <f>ITEM2</f>
//   </c1>
// </a>

index(n: Int) result type is Optional which means that we limited our focus to just one element. Crucial observation here is that we have not created a new focus (e.g. one going deeper) but just chosen one item of current focus.

How to deepen focus to all n-th children of current focus

In the following XML you’re interested only in the second <f> element (i.e. one containing item2):

val input =
  s"""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     |  <f></f>
     |  <f>
     |    <h>abc</h>
     |    <i>toReplace</i>
     |  </f>
     |  <f>
     |    <h>abc</h>
     |    <i>toReplace</i>
     |  </f>
val parsed = XmlParser.parse(input).right.get

You can access it using .elementAt(n: Int). Here’s the code:

// traversal is focused on all three <f> elements
val traversal = (root \ "f")

// and now for each of those element we try to focus on its second child
val secondChildren = traversal.elementAt(1)
val res = secondChildren.hasTextOnly.modify(_.toUpperCase)(parsed)
// res13: String =
// <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
// <a>
//   <f></f>
//   <f>
//     <h>abc</h>
//     <i>TOREPLACE</i>
//   </f>
//   <f>
//     <h>abc</h>
//     <i>TOREPLACE</i>
//   </f>
// </a>

Transformation in scope of whole document

In previous examples we were always performing transformations on given path. In case when you need to do some modification in scope of whole document monocle.function.Plated may be useful. xml-lens defined instances of Plated for its types in pl.msitko.xml.optics.OpticsInstances.

For example, to change all Text nodes to uppercase you can use following code:

import monocle.function.Plated
import pl.msitko.xml.optics.OpticsInstances._
import pl.msitko.xml.entities.LabeledElement
import pl.msitko.xml.optics.LabeledElementOptics
import pl.msitko.xml.optics.TextOptics
import pl.msitko.xml.optics.XmlDocumentOptics.rootLens

val input = """<a>
               |  <b>some text</b>
               |  <c>
               |    <d>another text</d>
               |  </c>

val parsed = XmlParser.parse(input).right.get

val transformation = Plated.transform[LabeledElement]{
val res = rootLens.modify(transformation)(parsed)
// res17: String =
// <a>
//   <b>SOME TEXT</b>
//   <c>
//     <d>ANOTHER TEXT</d>
//   </c>
// </a>